Squaring the circle: Textbooks from Cornelsen
Cornelsen is an umbrella brand for many different publishers of educational material. Cornelsen provides teachers with what they need. Their books serve as teaching material, guidebooks, sourcebooks or structuring aids. Realgestalt has developed a system that establishes Cornelson as the umbrella brand while still allowing enough space for the various product brands to assert themselves. Our concept installs a dot that moves along a circular path to the left: The trajectory of the circle is cut off at the left of the book cover. It serves as a consistent design element for all titles while still allowing the largest possible flexibility. It is a design element that can be flexibly used as an image area, a tangible object (such as a globe), an outline or a simple coloured solid. Various themes, subjects and current topics are highlighted accordingly and strengthened. Through our cover design guidelines and examples, we have demonstrated the broad range of possibilities.
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