New Brand Strategy and Branding for Busch Vacuum Pumps and Systems
Busch is one on the world’s leading producers of vacuum pumps, blowers, and compressors. The German family-run company has over 60 locations in 40 countries around the world.

The company required a new brand strategy to strengthen its presence on the global stage. Additionally, all contact points with customers, suppliers, and employees were to be standardised in terms of content and design. Our task: sharpen the brand strategy and develop a new corporate design.
The illustrations present the important business areas of vacuum technology (e.g. food, health) and skills (e.g. custom-made, innovation) in a graphic and optically engaging manner.
Online Brand Manual
Realgestalt provided design guidelines for the new brand presence in an online guide that can be used worldwide and adapted at any time.
Photo Production
The Brand Manual contains photo briefings for various applications. In addition, Realgestalt designed and produced pictures in which, for example, work situations are documented.

Realgestalt GmbH
Linienstraße 40
10119 Berlin, Germany
Tel. +49 30 88 77 76-0
Mobil +49 175 721 2904