The Number One for Sports in Berlin

The Landessportbund Berlin would like to see a society in which the impact of sports is highly valued. It is therefore committed to ensure that club sports have a future. The new corporate design will support the Landessportbund Berlin in its mission.


Committed, responsible, approachable and pioneering: these are the values on which the Landessportbund Berlin bases its actions. The number one for sport in Berlin needs an image that translates these values into dynamic, light, clear and inspiring design.

Brand architecture

We have transformed the long name into a lively, concise sign. This idea leads to a system that integrates numerous partners, programmes and projects.

Brand font

We designed the LSB Headline font especially for the Landessportbund Berlin. It is edgy and dynamic at the same time and will ensure that the publications (whether digital or analogue) appear independent, concise and recognisable.

Corporate Design

The new corporate design of the Landessportbund Berlin will help to raise the profile of this socially very important organisation and make the association more visible within the city and in its communication. Behind the idea is a comprehensive and holistic system that integrates numerous programmes and major projects of the Landessportbund Berlin. Thus, the power behind these projects and programmes becomes recognisable. Any communication for these programmes and projects will thus strengthen the brand of the Landessportbund Berlin.

The magazine HOCH10

The work of the instructors in Berlin’s sports clubs cannot be valued highly enough. HOCH10 is the platform on which the Landessportbund Berlin e. V. presents these people as individual personalities. In the current issue, the focus is on trainers with a migration history.

Events: The Family Sports Festival

Two days full of sport, fun and exercise with the whole family. The Family Sports Festival is the largest event organised by the Landessportbund Berlin. With the charming characters and the new logo, the Landessportbund is present all over the city.

Send us a message or call us directly:

Realgestalt GmbH
Linienstraße 40
10119 Berlin, Germany

Tel. +49 30 88 77 76-0
Mobil +49 175 721 2904