rbbKultur: Podcast Cover Design

“Now it’s time to die”: The new podcast by rbbKultur wants to place death where it belongs: Into life. Realgestalt conceptualised and designed the cover, including ten different motifs for the episodes.

Jetzt geht’s ans Sterben

We are all going to die – so let’s finally start to deal with death in a relaxed way. This podcast by Henrike Möller wants to take away the horror of death.

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It is always good when the cover design can be animated in a captivating way.


What makes China a world power and what does China do with that power? This is the topic of the ARD Podcast “World.Power.China”. A team of current and former correspondents and China experts have a look at the country. Not only from the outside, but also from the inside.

Women in War

In this podcast by Julia Leeb and Cosima Gill, wars and conflicts in this world are told exclusively from a female perspective. For the first time ever.

Deep Doku

Every week, this podcast tells a true story from Berlin and the world. The protagonists have overcome crises, had extraordinary experiences and taken unexpected paths.

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